Flutter 是怎么实现 element 重用的

Flutter 三棵树中 element 树实现了 flutter 组件重用,element 树的存在保障了 flutter 页面流畅渲染。通过代码来分析下 element 复用流程。

首先常见 element 主要分为两大类,RenderObjectElement 和 ComponentElement

SingleChildRenderObjectElement.update() -> Element.updateChild()

MultiChildRenderObjectElement.update() -> Element.updateChildren



  1. Update the top of the list.
    // if canUpdate (which means key is the same and runtime type is the same) reuse and update, remember the index, if not goto next step
  2. Scan the bottom of the list.
    // if canUpdate remember the last canUpdate item index, if not goto next step
  3. Scan the old children in the middle of the list.
    // keep the middle of the list items with key, save in a map
  4. Update the middle of the list.
    // check newWidget items from step 1’s index to step 2’s index, if key exsit in map of step 3 and can be reused, reuse it and update, if not recreate element
  5. Update the bottom of the list.
    // if canUpdate, reuse and update

Element.updateChild() -> inflateWidget(newWidget, newSlot) -> newWidget.createElement()

-> ComponentElement.build()
-> Element.updateChild()

child.widget == newWidget
-> check slot, update slot, reuse

Widget.canUpdate(child.widget, newWidget)
-> child.update(newWidget);
-> inflateWidget(newWidget, newSlot)
// if can reuse by GlobalKey, else createElement

Element reuse scenario

  1. Under a MultiChildRenderObjectElement, key and runtime are not changed. Doesn’t matter if position changes.
  2. Under a SingleChildRenderObjectElement or ComponentElement, widget not change or widget changed but key and runtime not changed, or widget changed but have a GlobalKey which element can be reused.

Flutter 是怎么实现 element 重用的




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